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Artikel: ASP indfører Replay til dommerne


ASP indfører Replay til dommerne

NFL var først med at lade dommerne kunne se langsom gengivelse af spil, som der er ballade om. Nu har ASP også fået indkørt det system

Det er ikke altid at der er så god stemning mellem surferne efter et tæt heat…

Men nu er det ihvertfald blevet nemmere for dommerne at se alle detaljerne

Om det giver flere perfect 10’s må tiden vise.

Association of Surfing Professionals (ASP) announced that it, will be providing its judges the opportunity to review waves via instant replay at each of the World Championship Tour events in 2007.

“Judges at top tour events are forever facing increasing pressure to be one-hundred-percent accurate in the delivery of scores and results,” explains ASP President Wayne “Rabbit” Bartholomew. “For this reason, we’ll be introducing instant replays via personal monitors for each individual judge so they can access previous waves and further scrutinize wave scores.”

But why now? Given that the technology is nearly fifty years old, why have professional sports authorities only recently begun using it? According to ASP CEO Brodie Carr, plans to introduce the system have been in the works for years, but the system wasn’t ready. “Some of the bugs have been ironed out, and it has improved,” says Carr. “It has strong support from our surfers and events. When we were sitting around doing our budget for 2007 we went around the table to list our priorities individually. It was the number-one unanimous decision from the executive team here! It’s the next evolution of our sport.”

Bartholomew says the replays were successfully trialed during the 2006 Nova Schin Brazil event, and despite facing scrutiny both athletes and industry big wigs support the use of replays. “Everyone is impressed with the technical side of it and the way it can help the judging system as a whole,” says Head International Judge Perry Hatchett. “It will be a huge assistance in critical scores and interference calls. One wrong result or a bad score in an event can be very damaging to the ASP and the judges’ credibility at this level of competition. Every little subjective area we can eliminate is a step forward for the ASP and the sport in general.”

With live Webcasts of ASP events continually evolving, instant replays have already been integrated into event coverage. Carr says this system is completely separate. “We need to be able to run and re-run replays, so it has to be separate from the Webcast,” he says. “It’s not like other sports where the athletes and coaches can call for video replay. That’s not the purpose. It’s there as a supplementary resource when they need to review a wave, a takeoff, a barrel, et cetera.”

Putting the best surfers in the world riding in the best waves in the world is what the ASP is all about. Carr emphasizes that the credibility of the organization hinges on the ability to provide accurate judging. “Our judging is extremely important to the professionalism and respect of the ASP,” he says. “We’re constantly reviewing our judges, the formats, and techniques. We’re also holding a judging workshop, which will involve all our regional judges, surfers, and other stakeholders in order to analyze the criteria and ensure our judges are at the forefront of the best surfing in the world.”

Denne må de også gerne køre i loop… Og langsom gengivelse…

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Stella Tayler og Nicoline Egebjerg afholder deres anden skatecamp kun for piger i CPH skatepark d.27. januar. Der bliver masser af tøsehygge med overnatning i hallen.

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Skateboard - Pigecamp i København 27.januar

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