Den bedste SKI & SNOWBOARD film denne sæson - hands down!
De to superstjerner Markus Eder og Victor de Le Rue har teamet op i filmen CIRCLE OF MADNESS i Haines, Alaska. Hverken riders eller destinationen behøver en særskilt præsentation. EXTREME freeriders i et EXTREME spine walls mekka - ENJOY!

Et par reviews på filmen CIRCLE OF MADNESS
"Probably the best ski film I've seen in 5+ years. Incredible riding, with style and huge tricks in absolutely insane terrain. No fall zones everywhere and the guys charging so hard. Props to the whole team because the filming, planning, editing, everything is so on point. 10/10"
"This is what hapen when two of the best in their sport are placed in a perfect environment and surounded by a crazy team ! Best snow movie of the year !"
"Finally, a snow film I get stoked and entertained. Great film and editing. I think it was art of flight last time I felt this. Films lately usually are a let down."
Source: Youtube.com + Thenorthface.com