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Dan Ellis

Dan Ellis er tilbage

Den store britte Dan Ellis er tilbage på PWA World Touren efter 1 års pause. En pause der har givet ham mulighed for at kigge tilbage på hans mange år på touren. Et år hvor der stadig er sket meget, b. la en flytning til Maui, Hawaii som giver nogle af de bedste forhold for en professionel windsurfer. Fra 2010 kommer Dan Ellis til at sejle for Mistral boards, men uden nogen sejlsponsor. Læs nedenstående, hvor Dan Ellis selv forklare:

in 2009 I fully left the shores of England and re-located to the slightly warmer island of Maui, married my sweetheart Jessie and set to work building a solid foundation so I could make a full assault on the PWA Race tour in 2010. 2009 was a great year and a welcome break from the years of travelling. However not racing on the PWA tour has made me hungrier than ever to compete against the best windsurfers in the world, which is exactly what I will be doing with a full comeback to the tour.

The year off gave me the space to look back over my past seasons highs and lows and see where I need make changes in order to step up to the next level. I decided that I would only go back and race if I had the best equipment, so I know that when I get to the start line I have nothing left to do but race and joining Mistral have given me the boards to do just that. I will not have an official sail sponsor and have bought the sails I think are the best.

With the help of Kurosh Kiani I’ve put together this little teaser video which you are free to post in your online news.

I also have an updated website/blog to keep the world updated on my preparations and progress as I get ready for the 1st World Cup in Korea. www.Dan-Ellis.com

Last I want to thank Maui Ultra Fins for supplying me with the best.


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