Fernandez klar til at fange Köster - PWA Cold Hawaii
Flot vejr men ikke meget vind de sidste par dage i Klitmøller hvor tiden ellers gået med SUP, hygge og tunning af gear inden vinden vender tilbage i weekenden. For vejrudsigten ser faktisk ganske god ud for weekenden og specielt søndag ser lovende ud. “Sunday is looking good, Cold Hawaii is going to light up” Duncan Coombs, PWA head judge.
Tidligere verdens-etter Victor Fernandez Lopez melder at han er klar til at give Philip Köster kamp til stregen når vinden vender tilbage og mener selv at han har en rimelig god chance for at slå Köster.
“When the wind comes back, I’m ready to compete. I think it’s possible, I’m trying hard. But it’s not just Köster I have to beat, the level is really high. We saw (Thomas) Traversa beating Köster here in Cold Hawaii final last year.” Fernandez

Det er dog ikke alle på stranden der er helt så sikre på at Köster er en mand der kan fældes.
“I think it’s good if there are different events and conditions, but right now Philip is really strong, so it’s going to hard, it’s to be really hard,” Alex Mussolini
“Last year we had four contests in the PWA World Cup, this year we could have six,” siger Victor Fernandez “Most of them have been port tack. This year we could be competing in Maui where wind comes from the opposite way (starboard tack). Köster will surely do really good there too but not as good as in the Canaries or here in Cold Hawaii. This will mean that there will be more guys who can be at the top of the podium, not just Köster. I was world wave champion in 2010. I beat Köster in the final in his home spot (Pozo).”

“In the last few years I’ve been second and really close to him. In Tenerife we were against each other in the final again and I was really close to winning it. It’s just a few things that have to come right in the heat, in those 15 minutes, to beat Köster. For sure he is the guy to beat. And for me it would mean a lot to be world wave champion again.”
Der er under alle omstændigheder lagt op til kamp på søndag når vinden vender tilbage for fuld styrke.