Goyasails på dansk
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En af de første opgaver for Goyasails.dk er at etablere et team af sejlere, der vil sejle DBO rangliste. Interesserede piger/ kvinder/ drenge/ mænd er velkommen til at sende et windsurf CW. til info@goyasails.dk.
I 2009 model linien er både produkt kvalitet og design kvalitet i top. Goyasails lover, at udviklingen ikke stopper her og at vi allerede kan glæde os til at 2010 model linien byder på endnu flere nyheder og valgmuligheder. I 2010 sortimentet kommer bl. a. et nyt wave board og et nyt Freeride/ slalom board. På sejlsiden er det ret sikkert at Levi Sivers nye signature sejl bliver en nyhed for 2010.

Josh Stone
Goyasails er inde i en fantastisk udvikling. I løbet af 2008 er Keith Teboul og Jason Diffin blevet en del af Goyasails team.
Keith Teboul er chef designer af Goyaboards Boards og er blandt andet kendt for at have designet de TwinFinn Boards som Quatro blev wave verdensmester med i 2007. – Dette blev starten for den nye bølge af TwinFinn boards som er kommet på markedet.
Keith Teboul beskriver Goya Boards således:
Custom Wave: Un-compromised wave board, Francisco’s personal. The progressive rocker line enables the board to perform at it’s best for the condition it’s more likely to be used in; 66-72 hi winds or and side shore waves-78-84 early planning without loosing any maneuverability.
One: Ultimate all wave -bump and jump board, the One is the board that does it all! The board’s offer early planning provides great acceleration and makes jibes as easy as it gets! The One still has great abilities in waves whatever the conditions are.
X1: FreeStyle boards, they will perform very well in all round condition, and will fit a more advanced freestyle activity.
FXR: Proven versatile Freeride board, holds high wind and choppy water, allows any sailor to take it’s sailing to the next step.
Jason Diffin Chef designer af Goyasails sejl linie. Jason Diffin har i mange år været chef designer for Simmer Sails. Jason har fornyet hele Goyasails sejl linie i 2009, så både design og kvalitet fremstår som noget af det bedste på markedet.
All GOYA SAILS feature the Stretch Control System. The system has been time tested and proven to massively increase the range of any sail size by locking the draft of the sail in place, and maintaining the smooth flexible feeling of the sail as the wind strength changes.
All GOYA SAILS also feature center cut batten pockets, which means that the batten is always in the exact center of the sail body layers- this is a stronger, lighter, more symmetrical solution than traditional batten pockets.
All GOYA SAILS are fitted with custom designed, cnc tapered; high quality battens for high strength and true performance.
All GOYA SAILS feature high strength double stitching in high load areas such as sleeve attachment and batten pockets.
GURU PVC Wave Series
Wave and High Wind Comfort and Control with a flexible feeling. Keith Teboul and Francisco Goya rely on the GURU to take them to a higher level with confidence, and so can you…
Worldwide Power Wave
No Limits Freestyle Wave
Direct feeling, Full power and control in any condition
FXR 6 and FXR 7
6 Batten No Cam Freeride
Power, Speed, Maneuvers and Control
The FXR design changes from size to size to suit the conditions- The larger sizes are cut for power and speed- the fundamentals of slalom and race style sailing. Lightweight, great low end power- plane early and go faster. The smaller sizes are cut to excel in high wind maneuvers, jumps and speed. The new reduced head outlines on all sizes gives a quieter, easier feeling and improved overall range. FXR is the sail of choice for Designer/Rider Jason Diffin for The Gorge summers of white knuckle power, speed and jump sailing, and light wind cruising on the big boards.
Francisco Goya beskriver Goyaboards :
Performance Innovation and Quality are the fundamentals of GOYA design.
GOYA are the product of a passion for windsurfing shared by the entire GOYA organization. We love to windsurf, and we love to progress as sailors- the evolving GOYA products are the result of this motivation. GOYA SAILS is a rider driven company- the proof is in the product.
Goyasails.dk er stiftet af Jan Spile og Lars Winther Larsen.