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Artikel: Jon Olsson nye DJ Flip


Jon Olsson nye DJ Flip

Jon-olsson.com fortæller:

Jon Olsson sticks two new double flips. Just before lunch on the 26th of feb Jon stuck two new double flips on a jump in Park City. The jump was specially built for Jon to give him the best opportunities to get it done, 70 feet long but with a very steep takeoff and a high table style landing, built in the upper Jonesey park in Park City.

After shaping the jump to perfection, Jon took the sled up, dropped in, took two straight airs, two flatspins, three double flatspins and then sat at the top for a while before finally dropped in.

Taking of we all thought he was dead as the trick starts out crazy but then half way through the trick the whole thing slows down and he enters a super slow flatspin and puts it down perfect!

He then went back up to do five more perfect 1080’s to get all the filming angles and then he called it a day, but one of the filmers yelled-1260 and he could not resist, got back on the sled again, only to come down and stomp the 1260 perfect. Jon then went back up again and finally took a couple of hard crashes and realized that he was too tired.

-How does it feel?

-It feels so good to finally do this, I have been working on it on water and in my head since august, so it feels great to finally do it and be able to go to bed knowing I can do it, and that I did not kill myself learning it! I was a bit stressed when the people started doing the Kangaroo and catching up, but now that I have something new I feel great again.

-Explain the trick

-Well, it’s a D spin 630 to a flatspin 450, and the 1260 is a D spin 630 to a flatspin 630, so they really are like two different trick in one sir. I was not sure if it was going to work out, but I am so happy it did!

-What are you going to name it?

-Well naming a trick is so hard, what ever you some up with is going to be corny, but I decided to go with the DJ flip that stands for Double Jon Flip. I thought it was suitable as the first part of my carrier was built on D spins (and the first part og the trick is a D spin, and later part of my carrier has had a lot to do with flat spins and the second half of the trick is a flatspin…therefore the name DJ flip.

-What’s next?

-Not sure but I have another trick that I am trying to get the balls to do but we will see, I hope I have another double soon…

Riders.dk arbejder på at fremskaffe film såvel som billeder af begivenheden. Vi ved at Matchstick Productions filmede det hele, så mon ikke Jon nye DJ Flip er at finde i MSP film som udkommer i slutningen af året. Dog ved JOI (Jon Olsson Invitational) kunne det jo også tænkes at han finder tricket frem…

Kilde: www.jon-olsson.com

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