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Artikel: Lige lidt rigeligt gang i den på Redbullstormchase.com


Lige lidt rigeligt gang i den på Redbullstormchase.com

Organisatorerne bag Red Bull Storm Chase måtte i onsdags sende en panik pressemeddelelse ud om at afstemning var annulleret og at den øjeblikkeligt ville starte forfra.

Riders.dk har fået en kommentar fra Jobst von Paepcke fra Big Sexy Pictures. Teamet bag Red Bull Storm Chase

What exactly happened? Any Danes involved?
We can actually not prove who cheated personally, but there were things occurring like 100 votes for 1 rider in one minute. If it would have been just one case, but in fact they were too many. Monday the first occurred, Tuesday about 6-8 new ones and Wednesday more than 15 strange happenings had occurred all together.
We know our security system has been not 100% but we decided for it because it makes the voting a lot more comfortable.
Now every user has to take the hard way and register, get a key which he enters to vote.

Will it have any consequences for the involved windsurfers?
We were actually pretty disappointed about that kind of misuse and discussed options like disqualifications (could be unfair) or even to cancel the voting if that cheating went on and name the riders ourselves – also a bad option.

Do you see any positive angles in this experience?
A positive angle could be that this issue stresses how we really try to have a fair battle for the tickets. We could have corrected the numbers behind the scenes but we want those riders to rip that most people select. Not the ones with the most advanced pc skills…
This is sports and we hope people behave as fair sportsmen – We do.

Så det er altså vigtigt at du afgiver en stemme på ny og dermed er med til at sikre at Red Bull Storm Chase bliver et event med de bedste surfere i gabet på en brølende efterårsstorm.

Riders.dk siger længe leve demokratiet. Alle har en chance.

Den officielle pressemeddelelse fra Red Bull Storm Chase

Voting – general recall!

Votes from more than 70 countries – that’s beyond our expectations! But among all the fair players there were also a couple of black sheep. Sad but true, some did cheat our security mechanisms and placed multiple votes on single riders.
To keep up with the idea of offering equal chances to every sailor we have to react. On

Thursday july 20th we will restart the whole voting process from zero and install one more security barrier: password protection. Less comfortable but necessary. We apologize to all of you and hope for your acceptance in this matter, and we wish a fair voting for everyone!

Just to remind you: there are two voting rounds to go through. In this first round, which runs until July 31st, the top 5 riders of each country will be selected. In the second round all finalists start again with zero votes. So chances for all 55 finalists in 11 regions are basically equal.

It’s a unique chance for all riders to get a ticket. Hopefully you’ll bring us some new faces to the windsurf -“screen”.

We cross our fingers for all of you!


Folkene bag Red Bull Storm Chase og Surfklubben NASA arbejder sammen om den danske afdeling. Det sker gennem projektet Building the Cold Hawaii, hvorigennem klubben også har lanceret S2S kampagnen. Alle har en dyb interesse i at bevare og udvikle mulighederne for bølgesurfing i Thy.

Du kan læse mere om S2S kampagnen på www.nasa-klitmoeller.dk, hvor du også kan melde dig ind i NASA. På den måde kan du være med til at støtte arbejdet med at udvikle det kolde Hawaii.

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