Mickael Deschenaux – stilikon genfødt uden ski
To US Open titler fra 2004 og 2005 kunne ikke opveje de mange år med hårde stoffer og fængselsbesøg. I 2007 valgte Mickael Deschenaux-Comte, nu blot kaldet Mick Cømte, at træde væk fra det professionelle liv som skiløber og lægge fokus andetsteds.
Der er dog stadig plads til skiløb i ny og næ, blandt andet til årets Freestyle.ch, hvor vi havde fornøjelsen af igen at se Mick med to brædder under fødderne. Vi benyttede samtidig lejligheden til at tage en snak om fortiden, karriereskiftet samt hans link til det danske skimiljø.
For the newcomers on the freeski scene – who is Mick Cømte in 2014?
Mick Cømte is the rebirth of a retired pro skier called Mickael Deschenaux-Comte who used to be one of the first ones in the freeski game around 1998-1999. But first of it all, this is my second life sort of say. I guess when a human being changes completely from A to Z on the life he preaches for himself, the way he lives, the mental attitude he goes by and last but not least, the attitude he shares to another – then you can probably say it is a complete renaissance of that being.
Digging more into that, does it mean that skiing is being totally left behind or are you still out there slaying?
To tell you the truth, I just ski once here and once then when I get invited to events and what not, just because it’s a great way for me to create a vacation in my schedule. I know this is not what people want to hear or read, but I have no regrets through within this decision.. And except probably a tiny movie segment here and there just for the fun, I am not planning on getting back to skiing more than just to hang out with my old friends and have a good time.
Mick Cømte viser at stilen stadig sidder til årets Freestyle.ch // Foto: Alexander Vissing
It also seems like you have plenty of other stuff going on, especially within music. Are you the rap version of Hans Hinterseer, turning your former ski career into a successfully music career?
Ha! I have honestly not a single clue who Hans Hinterseer is… But yes indeed. I am doing a lot more than just music. I’m also the official ambassador for Jilted Royalty Switzerland and the rest of the daytime, I work as a body piercer with a bunch of homies in a town called Murten.
Music has ALWAYS had and still has a HUGE impact on my life. It’s like my daily dose of heroin. Back in the days recording as Shiest_d, I released two mixtape that honestly were just sh*t and not the real me. Now I go by my real name. I have nothing to hide from, with the good and the bad of my old and my present me, hate it or love it…
Check my current mixtape and download it for free at NØIRE MVZEEK. We’re working on some next leveI stuff where I write the entire opus as well as doing the recording and mixing. The only thing we will not do is the mastering. But expect a very big surprise from this upcoming opus…
So yes my mind has been very far from skiing, and as strange and un-understanding it might seem to you, it is a way better way for my own sake.
A lot of fans will definitely find it hard to understand as you are seen as one of the biggest inspirations when it comes to style in skiing. Did you find your inspiration yourself somewhere back then or did it just came natural?
A lot came naturally. Back then there was not so many different tricks and versions of doing a trick, especially since we were not so many to do it. We were Tanner Hall, myself and a few others of our crew ONLY riding with snowboarders and that’s where we would get our inspiration because we weren’t trying to do doubles or anything like that. We were more making it looks “steezy” on an easy tip.
Do you see yourself as a pioneer in style?
When I look at my footage from back in the days, I can see that I really had something different when executing the tricks, so if that means it makes me a pioneer, then yes so be it hehe… Otherwise I would just say that I was doing my thing in my own way.
Mick holder øje med Zürich… // Foto: Alexander Vissing
In these years it looks like we’re seeing two types of skiers. The technical competition skier and the stylish movie segment skier. Have we reached a point where it is impossible to do both?
Anything is possible; you just have to put your mind into it. You can either chose to be that “one type of skier” or chose to do certain things at the certain time and place. Then it is up to you to you to
decide as a skier what do you want to give the public that’s watching you.
So choosing what you want to show the public instead of letting the public demand what you should show them. Is that a general philosophy?
Yes, I guess I go by the motto of “you will not be liked by everyone – accept it. But you won’t be hated by everyone either.” So do you, be true to you, say what you think and think what you say. Not all will agree but all will probably respect the decision of yours.
I get a bunch of verbal heat from younger skiers on the social platforms, but to tell you the truth I have not paid attention and I keep charging head first doing what I do and it has been treating me good!
Your decisions have definitely been respected. As in 2008 where you judged the Danish Championship in freeskiing in Avoriaz. How did that actually got arranged?
It got arranged through Thomas Dupont who used to be the official distributor for NINTHWARD back in the days. He introduced me to Nikolaj Vang and all the boys and set this whole thing up back then. It was a great time with all of you Danish guys; great attitude and very humble people and I still get mad love from all of you guys to this date!

Talking about the old days – got any funny stories to tell from your early years?
Oh well, looking back it now with the recoil of getting older it isn’t really funny anymore to tell you the truth. Not to sound like I got all mentally crazy and what not, but don’t get me wrong, I am still a party animal what so ever and that’s a part that probably never will leave me. The difference is now that I think before I act. I have learned from all the sh*tty experiences I had to go through by my own fault, so yeah pretty much everything that happened between 1999 and 2006 was just as you can imagine, money, girls, drugs, red carpets, and all of that to the most extreme you can imagine… ha!
But probably the funniest stories happened when we used to all live in Mammoth with Eric Iberg, Tanner Hall, Dash Long, Dave Levinthal, Kristy Leskinen, Rory Bushfield, Sarah Burke and the three Phils. We were just raging the town on mushrooms, end up puking, waking up naked on the carpet with a bunch of d*icks drown all over you etc. We sure did had the most fun years growing up as a bunch of teenagers… TOO MANY STORIES!
Let’s just leave it to that. What about some good stories from Avoriaz in 2008 to end the conversation?
I would say thanks to all of the Riders.dk crew and shout out to the Danish blondie who showed me that you can use furniture in many ways I didn’t even knew existed! She’ll recognize herself!
Thanks to everyone that has been supporting me throughout the years and don’t forget to add me on all platforms.
Facebook: Mick Comte
Instagram: @mickjilted
Twitter: @mickjilted
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Gense Mick Cømte på ski i understående edits – et ægte stilikon!
Og se hans nyeste edit fra 2013 – første gang på ski i 4 år!