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Artikel: Nyt sejlmærke på markedet


Nyt sejlmærke på markedet

Bag mærket står Dan Kaseler, som også er designer på Gaastra sejl. Han har samlet et team bag sig som vil tage skate kulturen ind i windsurfing. Vandal vil henvende sig til de unge, som synes det er fedt at blive genkendt og være synlige på vandet. De har fra starten arbejdet med en filosofi der hedder ”real music, by real musicians – real art, by real artists” og kombineret dette med en høj kvalitet i sejlene. Top produkter der ikke ligner noget andet på markedet. Grafikken er lavet af graffiti maler LCW, som er skater og ikke før har haft noget med windsurfing at gøre. De beskriver sig selv således:

“At Vandal, we put product function before the whimsey of any marketing department’s mandates. Once we have our designs dialed, we then look for ‘real art by real artists,’ applying the graphics of our choice. This a huge shift from the big corporate brands that spend most of their time searching through clip-art archives and butchering their sails with extra seams. Join the UPRISING!”
“Sail design philosophy from sail designer Dan Kaseler”
"Vandal has been bubbling into reality over many years, and now we are stoked to take it to the people. I have always wanted to put seams where they belong. In the past, we often found ourselves moving seams around on a sail to achieve a certain graphic look to please some marketing department’s whimsy. The Design Philosophy at Vandal is to build our sails how they should be built as priority #1. Once we have that dialed, then we look for ‘real art by real artists’ and apply the graphics of our choice. This a huge shift from the big corporate brands that spend most of their time looking back, reminiscing about the golding years, instead of looking to the future."
”Real art by real artists”
This is one of the cornerstone concepts of Vandal. Are you tired of looking at windsurf boards and webpages covered with clipart. Do you get nautious when everywhere you look you see straight-up garbage pumped from some unskilled, underpaid graphic artists desk? We decided to end the madness. Nearly all of our stuff starts as something drawn, or painted the old fashioned way. Don’t get me wrong, we run the most technical advanced R&D in the industry, but when it comes to artwork, we value the artist. It’s true that we pile it all up and organize it on the Mac, but it’s our solid backbone of real artwork that sets us apart. Curious about some of lost and found logos and works.
Vandal vil blive introduceret her i Danmark i løbet af foråret, så hold øje når du er på stranden.
Vandal består af 3 liner af sejl, Enemy som er et wave sejl. Reverb som er et freestyle sejl og Addict som er et freeride sejl.
Det bliver beskrevet således af Dan Kaseler:
”Take your wave sailing to the next level with an enemy. A full xply layout and an agressive outline make this the choice for epic days at your local break. Barrely introduced, and already legendary, the Enemy is set to turn heads. The low clew and soft breathable flex will explode your limits in side-off conditions.”
“Crank up the distortion. Bust a Shove-it Spock, a Double Puneta 900, or a Switch Chacho on a sail that is built to bring sick moves within reach. Grab a ReVerb and enjoy the soft elasticity, flat profiles, and extra high cut foot when you throw down your own personal gauntlet of tricks.”
“Do you have trouble sleeping at night when it’s windy? Vandal delivers the Addict. This six batten, no-cam freeride sail will get you out on the water, no matter the conditions. At Vandal, we know that every rider secretly wants to rip a trick here and there, so we put a big emphasis on maneuverability, to compliment the Addict’s proven stability and top-end potential. Sharing ingredients of a great supercross sail and a no-cam freeride sail, the Addict is designed to satisfy your cravings.”

For nærmere info: vandalsails.com eller Intersurf tlf. 75 22 02 11 mail: info @ intersurf.dk

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