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Artikel: Fernandez forlænger med Simmer Style


Fernandez forlænger med Simmer Style

Victor var nok noget af det hotteste i 2006, hvor han blandt andet snuppede PWA Grand Slam i Pozo og lige besøgte os i DK til Soulfiles i Klitmøller.

Han har netop forlænget sin kontrakt med Simmer Style for 2007, der udtaler;” We just like to say how stoked we are to have one of the worlds most talented, upcoming young rippers on the team.”

Riders.dk fik Victor til at svare på 5 hurtige.

Congratulations with your new Simmer Style deal, what does this deal mean for your up coming 2007 season? Thanks a lot. I will be sailing Simmer sails the next 2 years as I have been doing the last 7 years. I´m very happy how the sails are working for me in the past years and right now too. I would like to thanks Simmer brand manager Tomas Persson for support me.

Where are you right now? I´m at home, in Almeria right now. We have got very funny conditions with friends and family.

We know it takes a lot of hard work and preparations to be on the world tour. But It’s not all boring hard work to travel the world and meet people? For sure it´s a hard work to travel all year long during the world cup, but I´m so lucky to do what I wanted to do when I was young, this is because I love the sport.

What are your hopes for 2007? Do my best in the water having fun and try to finish better in the wave overall ranking.

Will we see you back in Denmark soon? I hope to come back soon in Denmark, I enjoyed a lot the place. We scored 2 nice days in Klitmøller last year.

And finally. Anybody in Denmark you want to send “salute” or maybe respect? I hope the best conditions for all the riders in Denmark this season, respect!!! jejeje…

Se lidt film fra Pozo 2006 her…

Lad os håbe vi snart for Victor at se i Danmark igen…

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