Så er verdens største ski film på gaden!
Drengene fra RAD film har dette forår produceret en 31/2 minutters skifilm med temaet en dag på ski fra solopgang til solnedgang til den verdens omspændende konkurrence Vast Awards – www.vastawards.com.
Ud af 80 indsendte er RAD films bidrag med navnet ”Random losers”, nu blevet udtaget til finalen blandt de 20 bedste produktioner hvor der bliver kæmpet om en samlet præmiesum på 50.000 $.
De 20 finalisters bidrag vil blive redigeret til en samlet skifilm som dette efterår udkommer på en vedlagt DVD i alle skiblade i hele Europa samt Nordamerika i 300.000 eks.
Vinderen af de forskellige kategorier vil blive offentlig gjort i februar på dette års vintersports messe ISPO 2006 i München.
Man kunne vel næppe tænke sig en bedre start på en allerede planlagt markedsføring i Europa af RAD films kommende produktion ”Big Deal”. ”Random losers” vil virke som en ”teaser” og kommer til at ramme min. 300.000 personer i præcis den ønskede målgruppe rundt omkring i Europa og Canada.
Filmen er delt op så man kan gå ind og vælge den enkelte deltagers bidrag og så er der klippet en samlet Vast Film med alt det bedste footage fra de 20 bidrag.
Nikolaj Vang
Rasmus Dalberg
Martin Skovbjerg
Anders Pedersen
Kim Nielsen
Troels Feodor
Anders Bjørndahl
Rolf Petersen
Tanner Hall
Jon Olson
Mike Wilson og mange flere af samme kaliber
VAST Awards- Time to vote!
Movie makers and skiers all over the world have been working hard during the last winter, more than 100 contributions were handed in at the end of May and now 20 of these have been nominated by the VAST Award jury with members like Glen Plake and Doug Coombs. Riders such as Tanner Hall, Simon Dumont, Jon Olsson, Arno Adam and Pierre-Yves Leblanc can bee seen in the nominees.
Now you can vote on three of ten categories at www.vastawards.com, the category Best Ski Performance is decided by public voting only and the categories Best Film and Best Rookie Film are decided 40% by voting and 60% by the VAST Award jury.
DVD Release
The VAST DVD is released this fall in the impressive edition of 315.000 copies and it will be distributed together with nine of the worlds most prominent Ski Magazines. On the DVD you find the 20 nominated contributions presented in their full length, a 16 minute long VAST Award movie mixing some of the best sequences from each of these nominated teams, a movie called Free skiing awareness and a various useful information from the VAST sponsors. Visit www.vastawards.com to find out which magazine that carry the DVD in your part of the world.
The Party to look forward to
The great VAST Awards Ceremony on which the prize purse of 50.000 US dollars will be handed out is held at ISPO in Munich the 29:th of January and will for sure be a huge ski event and a great party!
Nominated teams(Team, name and country)
Snow baba crew 04, Ganesh himal, FRA
TNT crew, TNT, GER
Dreams of life, Dreams of Life, SWE
Wergeland – larsson Daydream dancer, NOR
Highlandproductions, Juxtaposition, CAN
The fridgerators, The fridgerators, BE
The journeymen, Winter‘s wind, US
Sick boys productions, Sick boys, FRA
Pilot film productions, Pilot film productions, CH
Pléhouse films, Pléhouse films, CAN
Py‘s productions, Py‘s productions, CAN
Random losers, Random losers, DK
Ras production, Powder flower, FRA
Splendid productions, Enjoy!, SWE
Swedish posse, A few good men on a bluebird, SWE
Tkb films, E viva mono, FRA
Teaton gravity research, Tangerine dream, US
Teddybear Crisis, Teddybear Crisis, NOR
Washaw productions, Swiss super park project, CH
Team ssc, Destination changed, FIN