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Artikel: SURF - Freeride Test


SURF - Freeride Test

SURF testede Freeride boards i to grupper (120 og 135) og JP stillede med to Freeride boards i hver gruppe, nemlig Super Sport og X-Cite.

Unbelievable result for JP in the latest test of the German SURF magazine where 2 freeride groups (with 4 JP boards were tested):

* Freeride 120 Group:
Super Sport 118 ; X-Cite Ride 120

Bic Techno 118; F2 Stoke 116; Fanatic Hawk 123; Hifly Free 118; Lorch Glider 120
Mistral Screamer 116; Rrd Z-Ride 120; Starboard Futura 122; Tabou Rocket 125

* Freeride 135 Group:
Super Sport 127 ; X-Cite Ride 130

Bic Techno 133; F2 Stoke 136; Fanatic Shark 130; Hifly Free 132; Lorch Glider 133
Mistral Screamer 133; Rrd Z-Ride 135; Starboard Futura 133; Tabou Rocket 135; Tiga FreeX 135

Resultatet var temmelig overbevisende, idet JP Super Sport vandt i begge grupper, og X-Cite fik næst flest point ligeledes i begge grupper.

Magasinet testede ud fra syv kriterier med hhv fem kriterier i performance og to i manøvrer.

1) Early Planing
2) Planing through Lulls
3) Speed in Average Winds
4) Top Speed
5) Control

6) Tight Jibes
7) Carving Jibes

15 point er max. score for hvert af de syv karakteristika, – altså samlede mulige antal point = 105

Highest overall score (91 points out of a possible 105) -> "WINNER":

Super Sport 118 Pro Edition

Highest score in:

– Speed in Average Winds
– Top Speed

Second highest score

– Early Planing
– Planing through Lulls

SURF text:
"..a line which combines the image and performance of pure-bread slalom boards with well behaved planing and maneuver characteristics… you can look forward to breathtaking acceleration with an extremely light, sporty–direct feel. Especially in light winds the shape willingly releases its top performance… it is so easy to exploit the top speed… In the jibe the JP surprises with its lightness and how tight the board turns…”

Second highest overall score (90 points out of a possible 105) -> "RUNNER UP":

X-Cite Ride 120 Full Wood Sandwich

Highest score in:
– Control

Second highest score
– Early Planing
– Top Speed

SURF text:
”…all beneficial attributes the target group is looking for… pleasant stance… balanced transition from shlogging to planing… very good smoothness and control… runs beautifully free, without the feeling to get blown off the water in the next gust… planes steadily and stable thought medium jibe radii – just as you need it for Power- and Duck Jibes, no matter if you are still learning or are one of the experts… a freeride board, as we think it should be… a good partner for years for the freeride class… Very comfortable and easy to sail… Perfect for intermediates and freeriders of almost every level.”

Highest overall score (95 points out of a possible 105) -> "WINNER":

Super Sport 127 Pro Edition

Highest score in:
– Speed in Average Winds
– Top Speed
-maneuvers (summing up Carving Jibes and Tight Jibes)

Second highest score
– Early Planing
– Planing through Lulls
– Carving Jibes

SURF text:
”…more than only fulfills the expectations: best performance and a sporty-aggressive feel already in the lightest of winds provide fun in light winds… smooth and directional in a wide range… the speed feeling easily accessible also for the non-professional… it speeds over chop and with its free ride can increase the distance to every other board in the test – also upwind… In the jibe the board is rather tame and prefers wide turns and impresses with best planing potential. The smoothness in the turn makes the first steps to the quick power jibe easier… A sporty board for almost everybody…”

Second highest overall score (94 points out of a possible 105) -> "RUNNER UP":

X-Cite Ride 130 Full Wood Sandwich

Highest score in:
– Control
– Carving Jibes
– maneuvers (summing up Carving Jibes and Tight Jibes) ex equo with Super Sport

Second highest score
– Early Planing
– Speed in Average Winds
– Top Speed

SURF text:
”…all the qualities for the intermediates are conserved and apparently the speed potential was increased a little… remains one of the easiest to sail freeriders on the market… grants successful planing jibes with stoical ease… the spread of power to the feet seems even with a little more pressure on the back foot… a comfortable, quick exemplary freerider for an extremely large target group… Very easy to sail and to make quick. Best control… Very good all-rounder…”

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