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Artikel: Xgames: Jenny Jones vandt Slopestyle


Xgames: Jenny Jones vandt Slopestyle

Britiske Jenny Jones kom foran Spencer O’Brien i sit sidste gennemløb, for derefter at claime Guldmedaljen i kvindernes slopestyle. Før sidste run lå hun tre point efter O’Brien.

Hendes vinderrun var 50-50, Gap to 50-50, tailpress, bs 360, fs 360, straigt og en fs 720 på en 80 fods kicker.

“On my last run I knew what I had wasn’t enough, so I had to lay down the 720,” sagde Jenny Jones. “I had not practised it all day and it was kind of hit and hope. I just made it round, landed and rode away with no hands down."
“I was so pleased to win and suddenly the emotions went crazy and I had to try hard not to cry. It means so much to me to win an X Games medal and to win gold is the icing on the cake.”

“Jenny rode super well,” sagde O’Brien på anden pladsen. “I think we had a really good back and forth there with our final runs. She totally deserved it.”

Se Jenny Jones vinderrun her:

1. Jenny Jones, Great Britain.
2. Spencer O’Brien, Canada.
3. Megan Ginter, Washington.
4. Kjersti Buaas, Norway.
5. Hanna Beaman, California.
6. Kimmy Fasani, California.

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