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PWA Indoor Event 2006

For tredje år i træk starter PWA-touren med Indoor Championships i London.

Fordi det er indendørs er atmosfæren blandt tilskuerne helt i top.

De sidder praktisk taget helt oppe i søen og får dønningerne i hovedet når surferne vender. Det er også set at publikum får surferne og deres rigg i skøddet, når det går vildest for sig.

Held og lykke med landingen…

Det hele starter torsdag den 12. januar med Super Jump Session

Fredag, lørdag og søndag er der fuld konkurrence i Slalom, Freestyle og Jump.

Præmiesummen på 75.000 Euro gør at de største stiller op til start i London.

3 dobbelt Freestyle verdensmester Ricardo Campello, Wave verdensmester 2005 Kauli Seadi, Josh Angulo og Nik Baker har alle meldt deres ankomst.

Slalom er en af publikumsfavoritterne. Sidste år vandt Freestyle kongen Ricardo Campello overraskende denne disciplin. Måske i lyset af at forhåndsfavoritten Nik Baker udgik med skulderen af led i indledende heat.

I år er Baker og Campello klar til at kæmpe om det igen. Men konkurrencen bliver hård fra blandt andet den nykårede verdensmester i Formula Antoine Albeau, Josh Angulo, og den lokale helt Ben Proffitt.

Netop Ben Proffitt har Robert Sand sørget for at hooke op med Riders.dk.

Vi tager til London og følger Ben dagligt under hele stævnet.

Men først et interview for lige at præsentere Ben Proffitt K800 for Riders.dk’s brugere.

Ben, please tell us about your history in windsurfing

Ok, I was born in 1978 and grew up around Shrewsbury (A town which is land locked about 2hrs from the sea!) My parents were members of a sailing club at a lake an 1hr and half from our house. So started windsurfing there in about 1987. Then got into racing worked my way up the British junior squad until I was 18. (With a couple of good results on the way!). Then made the Olympic training squad.

Long story short… Didn’t make the Olympic in Sydney… So gave the racing up and took up freestyle and wave sailing in 2000, after I landed my first forward loop (I was a late starter!)

Which is when I started sailing at Rhosneiger (home beach.. 2hrs drive!)

I never been to the mighty ‘Klit’ but from the video I’ve seen, Rhosneigr is the British version. Mostly cross on port tack sailing… Good fun sailing!

Se lidt video fra Ben‘s homespot Rhosneigr her. Venligst krediteret Boardseeker.com

I did my first PWA in 2003 freestyle at Furte and Pozo. My first PWA wave event was Pozo the next year where I finished 5th… couldn’t believe it!!!

How many times have you participated in Indoor Championships?

This will be my third.

Your best result indoor?

My best result was probably 2nd in the PWA Slalom last year… Plus I was really ill so I was really happy to finish 2nd… Although if I hadn’t got disqualified from the first final I might of won!!

Favorite indoor event, slalom, freestyle, or jump?

They’ll all really good fun. I’m best at the Slalom so I’d have to say that. The crowd really gets into it, especially in a tight race, in which I had a few last year!

Are you participating in all three events this year?

I’m only in the Slalom and Freestyle… But I’m not that bothered about the jump ramp. I’ll leave that to Ricardo… He’ll take some beating after seeing his last couple of jumps last year!

What special preparation are you doing for the Indoor championships?

Ha Ha… Good question! At the moment not a lot of sailing that’s for sure as it’s -2 and snowing! But I’m down the gym 24/7 on a one man mission to get super fit… Well fit anyway! I’m hopefully going to go away for a week just before the show to make sure I can still sail!!

Please explain the difference of surfing Indoor compared to outdoor?

It’s very hard. Mainly because of the difference in the wind from one side to the other… 30 knots next to the fans and 5 knots on the other side.

Also it’s not a constant wind, as you go past the fan the wind drops then picks up as you go past the next one… It’s like 30 mini gusts! Very hard work I can tell you. Also by the time your up to full speed your at the end of the pool and you have to gybe or do your move… and slowing down isn’t that easy!

Are you using specially design indoor equipment?

Nah… Just the production Fanatic ‘Skate’ and my 5.3m Crossover… Same as last year which seemed to do the trick!

Again, which size sails are you using? Same size as you would use outdoor?

Well it’s 30knots on one side of the pool and 5knots on the other!

I think you probably use a bigger sail indoors but it’s difficult to say! Mainly because you need a smaller sail to get control and gybe or do moves. Then you need a bigger sail after you’ve gybed to get going as your further away from the fans where there is less wind!

Basically the rule is ‘Use as big as you can get away with!’ So if you can gybe it, spock it or go down the pool without wiping out it’s fine!!

How important is experience from earlier indoor events?

I’d say it’s pretty important as you don’t get long to get used to the conditions. So anyone who has had experience before gets dialed in a lot quicker and can make better use of the practice time. My tip is don’t get too bogged down with kit choice and just make the most of what you’ve got… It all works so just get on with it and think about sailing!

Is it difficult for young guns getting accustomed to the conditions in their first indoor?

Not really… The young lads are very talented little buggers and they take to it quicker than most… But there is nothing like experience!

Last year at the indoor you finished second in slalom after a close final with Campello, Any special moves up your sleeves for finishing top spot this year?

Apart from breaking the little buggers legs I’m pretty much out of ideas!

Toughest rivals this year?

Not really sure… Baker, Campello and Seadi are for sure going to be tough to beat but there are also a lot of racers doing this year… Albeau, Buzianis! I’m not sure how they’ll get on but for sure they’ll be hard to beat… Even though they are big guys!

Toughest national rivals?

Skyeboy, Baker and Swifty… Although I just heard swift had broke his foot surfing!! So maybe he won’t be there!

Anything special for nudging Nik Baker of the throne?

Well I think last year worked well… As in the race against me he dislocated his shoulder… Ooops!

So I could try that again… Or do my other trick of giving everyone the flu just before the competition that also worked well last year!

Anything in particular you are looking forward to regarding the indoor? (We know about the infamous Guinness Boat Show Bar)

Yeah the Guinness tent seemed to help my performance last year… I qualified for the pwa freestyle last year after having 4 pints in the guniness tent before hand… ! But that doesn’t mean it’s good idea to drink and ride!!!

Please tell us something about the atmosphere, the crowd at the indoor?

The best thing about the Indoor Championship are the crowds. People come down the beach and watch, but at the London Boatshow you are right in front of them busting moves, just meters from where they are sitting. You can hear them cheer and see them do Mexican waves, and it really psyches you up!

Ben Proffitt foran banen i 2005

Følg med på Riders.dk fra torsdag den 12. januar

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